Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday ramblings...

I realized after Brittany over at The Greer Five featured me on her blog (Thanks Brittany), I hadn't gotten a chance to blog in a while so I'm going to ramble for a few minutes and then try to get myself back in a routine again.

Things are crazy busy around here. I'm in the process of spring cleaning (wishful thinking with snow on the ground but I'm ever hopeful) but it's makng my house more of a mess than it was to begin with. :) I'm trying to go room by room and get rid of things and rearrange and reorganize so making a mess to get everything in order is well worth it to me.

Court proceedings are...well they are's a long process but I'm confident of the end result and I'm trying to have faith in the system to do the right thing, and although they have yet to prove it to me, I'm holding strong.

The two and the three-year old are going through a "terribles" phase and good grief, it wears me out! The seven and eight-year old are doing great although a little rambunctious (as boys generally are) with not being able to get outside and play in this freezing weather. The thirteen-year-old still isn't speaking to me but I still love him and have faith we will work it all out.

I've read a few books lately that I enjoyed, but I didn't love them enough to do individual reviews on them, so I'll do a short synopsis of all of them in the next blog. I do, however, totally recommend the new YA series that James Patterson is doing and read the first installment "Witch and Wizard" and now I'm kicking myself. I hate, hate, hate waiting on the next book in the series to come out. I would rather wait on the whole series to be written and then read it straight through. I didn't touch a Harry Potter book until this past year for that very reason.

OK I'm off to work on the cleaning some more and see if the "wonder spray" that the hubby got me will actually take Sharpie off the walls like it claims (thanks to the little guy for the extra work, ughhh).

Anyway, to wrap it up, there's a ton going on around here but I'm hanging in there like a champ and ready for the next challenge to make good things happen. Have a great day!!

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